Students should submit official transcripts from all other regionally accredited schools attended prior to Solano for units posting to Solano transcript. This action allow for our Counselors to have a better idea on how to advise students on what classes to take at Solano and is a requirement for Financial Aid.
The following students are REQUIRED to submit official transcripts for all previously attended regionally accredited institutions:
Students needing prerequisites cleared at Solano that they have may have passed previously at another school.
Students who wish to have their transfer units applied to better their Priority Registration date (must have completed 6 units at SCC for this to apply).
Recipients of California State Scholarships (must file high school transcripts showing the eight semesters)
Participants in intercollegiate athletics.
Financial Aid
Students planning to complete an A.A./A.S. degree or certificate should submit transcripts from other institutions if the units apply toward the SCC degree or certificate requirements.
The applicant is responsible for requesting the transcripts be mailed directly to:
Solano Community College Office of Admissions and Records 4000 Suisun Valley Road Fairfield, CA 94534-3197
Official transcripts must either be received in a sealed envelope or electronically from a transcript service from the sending institution.
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Incoming Transcript Processing
The Admissions & Records office receives thousands of transcripts each year, often from students who never end up taking classes at Solano. For this reason, we require that students submit a formal request for transcript review. In order to have your transcripts evaluated:
Have your previous institutions mail an official copy of your transcript to our office at the address given above. If you have a sealed official copy in hand, you can deliver this to us in-person. We also accept electronic versions of transcripts sent by your previous institutions or from vendors like Parchment.
We will hang onto your Request for Transcript Review form for up to one year as we await your official transcripts to arrive.
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We receive thousands of transcripts throughout the year, often from students who never end up taking classes at Solano. For this reason, we ask that you help us avoid spending time on a transcript for someone who will not be attending by letting us know what processing you wish for us to complete regarding your transcript, if any. To do this, please complete and submit a Request for Transcript Review.
You can advise our office of this information in one of two ways.
Deliver your transcript(s) to our office in person at which time a staff member at one of our customer service windows will collect the necessary information from you.
Mail your transcript to our office at the address given above. You may either mail it yourself or have your former school(s) mail it directly to us. You may also complete a .pdf version of Request for Transcript Review online and email it to us at
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Prerequisite Clearances
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Students needing prerequisites cleared at Solano should submit the Prerequisite Clearance Requestform along with their official, or unofficial transcripts from all previously attended regionally accredited colleges or high schools of which you are seeking to use previously passes classes to clear a Solano prerequisite. Upon receipt of your Prerequisite Clearance Request form, we will clear prerequisites within 10 business days. You may email the form to or drop the form and transcripts by the Admissions & Records office in Building 400, 1st floor for processing.
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Upon receipt of your Request for Transcript Review, we will clear prerequisites within 10 business days. Every effort is made to clear prereqs the same day the request to have them cleared is made, however, it can sometimes take longer depending on our business volume at the time transcripts are received.